
our clients

Who are our clients?

Corporates & Investors

Pioneering corporates today are investing in carbon projects and portfolios in order to meet internal or regulated carbon offset targets. However, stakeholders are increasingly demanding that companies demonstrate that those carbon credits remain valid even in the face of bad weather, accidents, breakdowns or natural disasters.

Corporates & Investors

  • Guaranteed credits: protect your net zero targets against unexpected losses
  • Confidence: independently verified risk profile of high-quality carbon credits you invest in
  • Guidance: navigating the carbon credit landscape by investing in credits insurable by CarbonPool
  • Underwriting: customized underwriting mechanisms for very large portfolios

Fund Managers

Asset managers generating financial returns as well as carbon credits from assets under management (such as timber and afforestation carbon credits) will be exposed to carbon reversal risk in an unexpected event, like a forest fire or natural disaster. CarbonPool’s permanence insurance can underwrite carbon removals that have been sold, credited against emissions reduction targets, and retired.

Fund Managers

  • Guaranteed credits: safeguard your returns against unexpected losses
  • Confidence: independently verified risk profile of carbon projects
  • Sales: sell credits to CarbonPool

Developers of carbon removal projects

Developers today face difficulty attracting investment into their projects, as buyers are cautious about investing in projects whose outcome – delivery of carbon credits – is not guaranteed. Developers who can say that an insurance company has evaluated and will insure their projects gain instant credibility, making it easier to attract both project investors and credit buyers.

Further, there is increasing pressure from buyers of carbon credits on carbon developers to guarantee credits. Bad weather, natural variability in nature-based projects, and technical failures are real threats to the project delivery and permanence and there is no clarity on who bears the cost of that risk. Today, many developers create their own buffer pools – keeping aside credits that they could otherwise sell to increase their economic returns. An insurance contract could provide the same protection as a buffer pool for likely a far more attractive cost depending on the risk of the project.

Developers of carbon removal projects

  • Credibility: enhance your project’s credibility to buyers through CarbonPool’s independent risk assessment
  • Guaranteed credits: protect your project against delivery or reversal risk
  • Buffer pool: insurance enhances risk protection and increases revenue by eliminating the need for a buffer pool
  • Sales: sell credits to CarbonPool